The material on this website is general in nature. It does not constitute personal investment advice or personal trading advice. Any advice provided is general advice only and does not take into account an individual’s risk profile or financial situation. Trading involves the risk of loss as well as the potential of profit. You should seek independent financial advice in deciding if trading is appropriate for you. Please also consider the appropriateness of the advice in light of your own objectives, financial situation or needs.

You specifically acknowledge and agree that your use of our online advisory services is at your own risk. It is up to you to make the decision whether or not to act on a recommendation to trade. We provide information which may help you to make that decision. is a trading name of Clemstar Investments Pty Ltd.

Clemstar Investments Pty Ltd is a corporate authorised representative (CAR No. 001297849) of Equity Analyst ABN 60643403285 AFSL 534455.

All material has been prepared based on information believed to be accurate at the time of publication. Subsequent changes in circumstances and the market may occur at any time and may impact the accuracy of this information.

Past results are not indicative of future performance.

Backtest results and Model Portfolio performance and profit calculations are theoretical and calculated by Clemstar Investments and do not reflect actual investments in the companies mentioned. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those shown. Actual results may be affected by known or unknown risks and uncertainties that cannot be reasonably included in a backtest, and therefore these outcomes can differ materially from backtested expectations. As a result, past performance should not be relied on as a guarantee for future results.

The risk of loss in trading securities and derivatives, (such as futures, options and contracts for difference) can be substantial. You should carefully consider your objectives, financial situation, needs and any other relevant personal circumstances to determine whether trading is suitable for you.

The risk of loss in trading securities is limited to the amount invested. However, the risk of loss in trading derivatives may not be limited. This means you may lose more than the amount required to hold and control the particular derivative.

The high degree of leverage that is often obtained in futures, options and contracts for difference can work against you as well as for you. The use of leverage can lead to large losses as well as gains.

This brief statement cannot disclose all the risks and other significant aspects of securities and derivatives markets.

It is your responsibility to consult your financial advisor to determine whether trading in securities and derivatives products is appropriate for you in light of your financial circumstances.